Fly Fishing


Andesflycast / Aysén Experience from Andesflycast on Vimeo.

via Angling Trade / Southwick and Associates

It’s our pleasure to post another interview in our People of Fly Fishing series; today’s offering is the first part of a 10 question interview with Ivan Orsic, the creative mastermind behind the Yukon Goes Fishing blog and vids. We’ve been intrigued at Ivan’s interest in some of our favorite waters back home, particularly Rock […]

The complaints from those who whine about the ‘extremification’ of fly fishing duly noted, I’ll take a day on the pond / river / stream / flat any day in lieu of the collision this poor bastard had on the South African veldt with a Red Hartebeest. Who would have guessed there’d be risks inherent […]

Confronting the Unbeliever

by Jake McGlothlin on December 13, 2010

in Texas

It always shocks me to encounter someone like this.  Someone who, in the entirety of their life, has never been fishing.  shudder How sad it is. It was a late night at my second job, and I had been given the option to pick up a few more hours to help clean.  Our tasks were […]

Now and then we get an email, letter, or chat with someone about the sport of fly fishing that really genuinely makes us stop and think about things.  One came late last evening from Jake (from somewhere here in Montana, and not our Jake here at ChiWulff)…. Hey guys, I just want to say how […]