
So picking up where I left off in the One Fly to Rule Them All story from yesterday….. At this point the one fly to rule the world summit was interrupted by our host’s female companion, who was ready to serve dinner and happened to be wearing a bikini top on that bright, sunny afternoon. […]

Now and again life puts you in the presence of fly fishing minds so great, so powerful, so expansive that you’re stunned into silence. We’ve recently had such an experience, and while initially pledged to absolute secrecy as to the events following, in the process of jotting a few notes for posterity I realized this […]

Like every other community out there, our little burg of Bozeman has a lot of things I really like about it, and some that aren’t so great. A couple of things that are pretty nifty include the fact that town is small enough to get around on a bike (and by that I mean a […]

Big Stoneflies are the big news this week on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake.  They’ve moved up to the middle section of the river (Riverside to Warm River) and are migrating subsurface in the Box.    For those willing to earn some great fishing with sweat equity in terms of access there are some sections […]