Something a bit different this issue from Tudor and the gang – read it here.

Pink Salmon PNW

by Mark McGlothlin on September 4, 2021

in Salmon

Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe for a grilled Spicy Cumin Coriander Tri-Tip Steak, with flavors kicked up a notch by a slather using the namesake spices cumin and coriander in an oyster and fish sauce slather.

Tri-tip is a piece of cake to cook to perfection, though note you’ll want to let this one marinate overnight before throwing on the fire…


Sourdough Steel-Cut Oat Porridge Bread from Brod & Taylor on Vimeo.

Ebb and Flow

by Mark McGlothlin on September 2, 2021

in Fish Stories

Ebb and Flow from Cameron Cushman on Vimeo.

Zach Ames. Husband, Father, Firefighter, Infantry vet, Outdoorsman, and more.

We met Zach through a family friend that saw one of our posts and tagged him in it. A few hours later, our CMO Cameron was on the phone with him chatting about their service. Fast forward several months and we would be selected to attend our first ever couples trip and our second fly fishing program.

It was a privilege having him on the trip, hearing his beautiful wife Bri’s story and take on Zach’s experiences and vice versa.

Hear Zach’s powerful words on how he has been experiencing ebb and flow periods since leaving the service and how the outdoors have had a tremendous healing power for him.

Discover Puerto Escribano. A Hidden Bay in the Caribbean of Panama from Fly Elevair on Vimeo.

From a recent MGTU email –

Want to help fish and wildlife in the Gallatin Valley? Trout Unlimited has developed an app that allows volunteers to easily assess stream crossing structures as potential barriers to aquatic organisms. This app is similar to the one TU had last year that the high school students in Big Sky used but with a few improvements. Read more about how high school students made a difference here. After watching the short training video (above), all it takes is your cell phone, a couple of free apps, and some basic equipment you can borrow from TU. There are a lot of crossing structures out there to survey and we could really use your help surveying these potential passage barriers!

The principles here aren’t unique to the Gallatin Valley – if you’re interested in improving the health of fish stocks wherever you are, learning a few simple principles about culvert crossings will help you keep an eye out for potential needed improvements on your own home waters…

Late Summer Fly Fishing Baby Tarpon from Fly Fishing on Vimeo.

Attaboy El Arroyo. Kick some ass on your Monday today.

How To Fly Fish For Carp S5 E11 from RIO Products on Vimeo.