She Who Must Be Obeyed and I rounded up our flock on Thanksgiving day to rekindle a tradition we’ve followed for years – getting and doing something active instead of sitting around and eating all day. Traditionally that’s meant either skiing, fishing, hiking or shooting outings; this year we elected to head out Port Angeles […]
River – Elwha
Thursday the Seattle Times published a short series of images in their Field Notes blog detailing some of the landscape transformations underway in the Elwha watershed. The aerial views are impressive as are comments from several regional photogs. The Elwha story will be one worth watching for years.
With a recent fall rain-induced flush on local waters, several of the local rags (Peninsula Daily and the Seattle Times) have recently run pieces on the Elwha sediment plume flowing into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Reading through the comments regarding the potential effects of the sediment plume is fairly interesting, as it’s readily […]