The Mike Simpson Video That Prompted the Envirogasm

You’ve in all likelihood seen the video that prompted the outburst of wonder and glee (a genuine envirogasm if I’ve ever seen one) from a broad swath of those following environmental issues in the Northwest, in particular the plight of Idaho salmon and steelhead (along with those of the greater Pacific Northwest).

The shock and awe displayed by some was impressive, given that a) one of Idaho’s congressional delegation spoke directly about taking down the Snake River (and really the entire Columbia system) dams, and b) even more astoundingly, said speaker was (dramatic gasp, then in your best dramatic stage voice) a freakin’ Republican.

Here are a couple of fairly representative reactions from the TRCP and the Wild Steelhead Coalition (note that we here at Chi Wulff are by and large supporters of most of the work these fine organizations undertake when they choose to be up front and honest about issues).

Here’s the video Simpson’s team dropped on the 6th…

The Fly In the Ointment: Simpson’s Remarks Aren’t Just About Taking Down the Dams

Kudo’s to Simpson and his team for having the intellectual honesty to buckle down and look at the VERY COMPLEX array of issues removal of the dams on the Columbia and Snake brings to hand; like many of you, we’ve long grown weary of the groups screaming remove the dams to save the salmon and steelhead and saying f*ck whatever else happens to ag, transportation, energy, and commerce issues along the rivers.

Unlike most of the groups hellbent on dam destruction alone, Simpson’s team claims to have held over 300 meetings with groups representing any and every user interest group along the entire river system, and they appear to have attempted with reasonable success to lay out talking points and concerns that must be overcome to make this work.

Simpson’s plan is an ambitious one, calls for an astronomical $33.5 billion to kick off, and raises all sorts of questions – though if you’ll look through this pretty damned informative page on his website, you’ll see key points laid out topically, and get perhaps more of a real grasp of the depth and breadth of the challenge.

Can this be done? Hell yes it can, though it’s never going to a project like taking down the damn on the Elwha and watching anadromous fish return almost immediately. There’s already been a fair amount of pushback, for example, on his call for modular reactors to be used to replace lost power generation (a great idea by the way)…

Time will tell.

There’s just a little over a month left for young (K-12) aspiring artists to enter the Fish Art Contest co-sponsored by the Western Native Trout Initiative and Wildlife Forever. See details, contact data, the full rules here.

Get More Distance from RIO

by Mark McGlothlin on February 21, 2021

in Gear

AK 30 Trailer

by Mark McGlothlin on February 20, 2021

in Fish Stories

Just in time to help cover a busy week of winter that disrupted life a bit in our neck of the woods, the good folks at Garden and Gun dropped a nice piece on fire pit cooking – read it here. Not only are some foods tastier then ever when roasted or grill over a real, live fire, fire pit cooking is a skill everyone should master (you never know when or where the power might go out…).

Image via the linked article at G&G.

Back to regular programming next week.

Frozen Boots

by Mark McGlothlin on February 19, 2021

in Fish Stories

The Art of Sourdough from Flinders Council on Vimeo.

Orvis has been hosting a series of live fly tying tutorials over the past several weeks and tonight (8 ET) they’re tying the venerable, still oh so useful, and oft-overlooked clouser. In life and fly fishing – some days an elegant, simple solution is the best one.

Details and signup here.

AFFTA via their Fisheries Fund has recently dropped a pretty damned comprehensive set of objectives and recommendations their “blue ribbon panel” has formulated to promote the health, sustainability, and long term management of marine fisheries. It’s an interesting read, filled primarily with topics/points you’d expect, with a few you might not.

Read it here.

The good folks at Swift recently posted a nifty quick read about a trip chasing sea run browns in Sweden – read it here. The images are well done, and this one looks like another one of those under-appreciated trips that might just need to be on your list.

Image via the linked post.

Reading Waters Trailer

by Mark McGlothlin on February 16, 2021

in Steelhead

"Reading waters" trailer featuring Scott Baker Mcgarva produced for Anchored Outdoors from TIGHT LINE FILMS on Vimeo.

Those that tried to tune into the MGTU presentation last week – guide and owner Shane McCaflin of the Sunrise Pack Station – were unable to connect due to to some technical issues. Thankfully a video of the presentation was recorded and is available for your perusal here – we’re still making the case this is one of those life list / bucket list adventures for cold water fly fishers…