At the risk of cheerleading long diversions into fly fishing pedantia (which we’ve poked fun at for over a decade now), I missed this nifty post on the Tail blog taking a detailed look at the origins of the Tarpon Toad a few months back…
A though-provoking quick read from BTT about some profound changes recently observed in Charlotte Harbor – read it here.
Today’s attaboy goes out to Trouts Fly Shop (Denver and Frisco, CO) for their continued efforts to go above and beyond in producing quality content for fly fishers; the latest example is their 2021 edition of The Current (read it here or ask for a no-cost hard copy to be mailed out). Don’t miss their flies of the month videos and active blog as well.
Though a virtual meeting won’t hold a candle to being in downtown Missoula on the banks of the river, Orvis will be hosting their 2021 Orvis Guide Rendezvous the 15th and 16th of April – register here.
Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe for what we’re calling an Okra Crisp, born out of part of our home gumbo prep, but damned tasty, child’s play simple, and useful in so many other ways.
Okra is a common sight on the Southern table, but this is far, far, far from your grandmother’s slimy boiled okra you ran from as a kid, and a damned sight easier than frying up a big batch of fried okra at home (though what a treat).
Long on imagination and nifty, interactive graphics and short on gritty details, Imagining a New Future for the Lower Snake River offers an imagined look ahead at a free flowing Snake.
The good folks at the Henry’s Fork Foundation are hosting a virtual auction as part of their SLC/Boise event this week – the virtual auction has been running for while now – there’s a damned impressive amount of nifty stuff on their auction site and you’ve got just a little over 24 hours to get your bids in.
Git ‘er done.