Grilling Savant – Pepper Steak Recipe from Dang Video on Vimeo.

A hearty attaboy to the good folks at Orvis who’ve taken their immensely successful Fly Fishing 101 and are running it virtually again this year.

Orvis, via FF101, has done far more than any major player in the industry over the years in terms of introducing folks of all ages and backgrounds to the sport, and at no cost to boot.

Attaboy, and you can refer a friend to the sign up link here.

Water less traveled from Stonefly Guiding Co. on Vimeo.

Tail dropped a nifty quick read on SC redfish; the low country is looking mighty tempting these day.


Image via the linked post.

Gaspe Atlantic Salmon

by Mark McGlothlin on March 31, 2021

in Salmon

Loon Outdoors recently posted a nifty short piece on one of the living legends – Stu Apte – and wrote a pithy and damned admirable 3 bullet point intro; read the full piece here.

Details and entry form here.

A hearty attaboy to Dave the gang at Southern Culture on the Fly for their work updating their main site; it was due, has been done well, and looks like there’s going to be a lot more content drifting through the new format there to come.


Big NZ Browns

by Mark McGlothlin on March 28, 2021

in Fish Stories

Cranberry Orange Salsa Cruda from Foodist Films on Vimeo.