Dry Fly Fly Fishing from yeray lorenzo garcía on Vimeo.
Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe for An Easy General Tso’s Chicken, a recipe I’ve been eyeing for weeks and that ended up being a perfect fit for feeding unexpected company that popped in for a visit a few weeks back.
With a couple of easy to find – and essential – ingredients, you can stir this one up at home anytime. And hot damn, this one’s really good, and will very likely go toe to toe with your favorite takeout.
A most favored mentor taught me long ago to never ever let a day pass without learning something new and truly useful, however small it might be. Here’s a great way to accomplish that today – the good folks at Swift Fly Fishing recently posted a nifty recitation of 5 Essentials of Good Fly Casting – with accompanying video to boot.
Whether a shamefully unskilled rookie at the game or a Paul Maclean-level casting ninja, bet there’s something you can do better you’ll see in the post…
Image via the linked post.
One of the brightest minds in the steelhead game (in the States at least) posted a nifty update on the Elwha over on the Wild Steelheaders United blog a few weeks back…
Very sad news out of SLC last week – attorney John Young, a cornerstone of USAC’s legal efforts, and by all reports a wonderful family man and professional passed away recently. Condolences to family and friends, and may USAC’s efforts proceed unimpeded.