Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted another stroll down memory lane to tasty town with this Gulf Coast Pickled Shrimp recipe. These pickled shrimp would make my Gulf Coast cooking savant Ma-Ma (pronounced Maw-Maw) proud, and are sheer genius in the Pickled Shrimp Ceviche (the first image below) I’m posting next week.


Ozzy's Jerk Chicken from J. Rickards Winery on Vimeo.

Via Wild Steelheaders United, here’s an interesting piece detailing yet another two stumbles with regard to regional steelhead and salmon management done by Gov. Inslee himself, not all that long ago a presidential candidate running on an environmentally-focused core platform. Despite what you hear incessantly these days, I guess it’s not always a red shirt that makes a bad environmental call.

Kudos to Wild Steelheaders United for calling the shots as they see ’em.

Image via the linked post at WSU.

Dry Your Dry Fly After Catching A Fish from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Our compadre Shane has been helping the good folks at Tom Morgan Rodsmiths put together their 25th Anniversary Collection – better get in line for some of this gear before it’s gone.

Hot damn.


by Mark McGlothlin on June 2, 2021

in Fish Stories

Therapy from Fly Fishing on Vimeo.

From the video post on Vimeo –

Fly Fishing is the best Therapy. After the worst two years of my life I lost my son to a battle with opioids to an overdose on Christmas 2020. That is when Mark Castlow from Dragonfly stepped in and offered the use of the Emerger hull #1. I returned to fly fishing with friends again and it literally saved my life. Fly Fishing is the best Therapy in my opinion. Friendship laughing, exploring and eventually healing. It works. If you know someone who is suffering, offer to help them learn the art of Fly Fishing or send them my way. I am here to pay it forward. Get out there! Tight lines! Steve~

A tight little list of useful tips for improving your casting distance to start the work-week this morning….

Image via the linked post from Epic.

Once again, I’d very much encourage you and yours to take a bit of time on this Memorial Day to seek out a quiet place, or one of the many gatherings of like-minded folks around the country, and remember those who have fallen in service of our country. As noted a year ago, Hillsdale College happens to have put together a very nice video tribute, see it here.

There’ll still be time for your brisket and ribs in the smoker, and the brats, burgers, and dogs on the grill. Get some sun, enjoy the family, get outside and break a sweat today as well.

Back to regular programming tomorrow.

Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe for a Smashed (Resistant) Potato Salad with Italian Sausage and Aioli just in time for you to add this hearty potato salad to the your long weekend menu plan.

For those of us playing the healthier eating game, this one is a great way to add some tasty resistant starch to the menu; if you have no idea what resistant starches are (or just don’t give a damn) – this one satisfies the ultimate criteria for a recipe – it just tastes great.
