Wildlife Forever has announced the winners of their 2021 Fish Contest – check out the talent of these up and coming artists, some creating impressive art at very young ages.


Image via the linked post.

Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe for this Pickled Shrimp Ceviche, along with a brief account of its origin in our world and a quick summary of the (largely meaningless) debate over what’s really ceviche and what’s not.

The Louisiana born and bred, native Cajun, formally trained chef that shared the recipe says it is ceviche, which is good enough for me; we say this one’s just damned good.


BOTE continues their interesting and useful profiles of salty, fishing personalities with their recent installment on Capt. Lacy Kelly (she guides for the Florida Outdoor Experience) – read their journal piece here and listen to a companion podcast here.

A hearty attaboy to the good folks working in the Montana TU chapters that are hosting their Youth Conservation Day Clinics coming up this summer – details and contact information for registration here.

Fishing BC Presents: Adventure Fly Fishing in Revelstoke from FishingBC on Vimeo.

A hearty attaboy to the BTT team cranking up the permit tagging program in Belize – details here.

The River Democracy Act from Pacific Rivers on Vimeo.