Stop Getting Wind Knots from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a nifty recipe that’s a riff on Steve Raichlen’s Santa Maria Tri-Tip with a little time in the smoker. Damn, this one’s good and features an under-appreciated cut of meat in the sirloin kissing cousin – the mighty tri-tip steak/roast.


BTT and UMass are asking Gulf tarpon guides and anglers to share their tarpon experiences in a quick survey here.

Read it here, and marvel at a PNW environmental group chastising the region’s democrats in Congress.

Learning The Tuck/Nymph Pitch Cast from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Sam Lerner and team have posted a nifty online tool to simulate the course a raindrop would take from any point in the country to the ocean; the image above was taken from the site imagining a rain drop falling near Yellowstone Lake in YNP.

See the full site here.

A hearty holiday Monday attaboy to Upslope Brewing for their Trout Cans they’ve dropped in partnership with Rep Your Water to benefit the Western Native Trout Initiative. Details here.


Once again a hearty wish for a safe, happy, and prosperous 4th of July from team ChiWulff.

Get outside, soak up some sun and make some vitamin D, throw a fly (if your local waters are cool enough or your fish are otherwise suited for warm weather – we’re chasing pond panfish and bass this morning), and eat some damned good food today.

Get the kids (or grandkids) out tonight and enjoy your local fireworks display (as Jess did in Craig a few years back when spending a season working at Headhunters – that’s her image to the right).

We’d also encourage you to take a moment and remember what this day is about – in part it’s about celebrating the birth of a nation that, warts and all, is still a damned fine place despite what some are otherwise incessantly trying to convince you.

I’ve been reading Thomas Paine of late, and leave you with a couple of quotes from his writings –

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
—Thomas Paine

“I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his own opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it.”
—Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Hidden Flats

by Mark McGlothlin on July 4, 2021

in Fish Stories

Hidden Flats from Scientific Anglers on Vimeo.

Quickly Thread A Fly Rod from RIO Products on Vimeo.