The Vermont Chronicles

Like many of the northern states, Vermont is pretty much a blur of grey and brown right now. Real snow hasn’t yet set in—and it melts quickly when it does visit—and the world is shades of monotone. Splashes of Christmas lights offer a burst of color here and there, but it seems in the staid […]

Slowly settling back into the Great White North after nine days spent exploring Belize and running barefoot around Ambergris Caye. Who am I kidding? Maybe not settling back in so well. The wanderlust is alive and well. This trip was something of a kamikaze dive. I was sent down to cover—using both the camera and […]

Jess managed to escape the cranky clutches of rapidly winterizing Vermont and spend the past 8 days working with a team doing an Orvis catalogue shoot in Belize. She’s actually stuck in the Belize City airport waiting on a delayed flight as I post this late Sunday morning. They’ve suffered through the trial of spending […]

It’s full-on stick season here in Vermont. Days are a mix of grey and brown with maybe a little bit of sunshine mixed in. I leave work in the dark (it seems too damn soon), pulled my headlamp from the fishing pack and into the post-workday hike gear bag and am pretty resigned to buying […]

Closed out October Friday night with post-workday beers, tipping back a Vermont-brewed Long Trail at The Perfect Wife Tavern. Orvis intern Phoebe—a fellow Westerner—and I weren’t feeling much into the Halloween spirit, and went early enough to avoid the crowds. In our fleece, jeans, and boots we looked a bit like we had just come […]

Just got back in the wee hours of this (Saturday) morning from the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership’s (TRCP) Saltwater Media Summit in Cape Coral, Florida. It was a daily 6AM-to-late-night run of meetings, panels, discussions, pow-wows, dialogues, and work. And a wee bit of fishing. TRCP’s hard-working staff had lined up an incredible group of […]

Suddenly it’s mid-October. The first skiff of snow is in the forecast for tonight, I packed away the flip-flops and pulled out the boots, and recently bought my first-ever season ski pass. (I am bound and determined it is not going to be a photo-dry winter.) More important than the wardrobe change, however, is what […]

Somewhat predictably, it’s time for some leaf pictures. Manchester is being overrun by folks with out-of-state license plates who apparently love stopping in in the middle of the road to snap pictures with their phone and complain loudly in the coffee shop about the lack of wine (and who goes to a coffee shop for […]

When I was a little kid, rivers seemed to have magic powers. My biggest worries at the time were learning multiplication tables, trying to figure out why my friends were into ballet and not camping, and a series of cross-country moves. (The moves were less of a worry, more of an adventure.) But no matter […]

Back West, the words “game fair’ would bring to mind one of two things. First, it may conjure images of some sort of hunting season party; maybe a celebration of the first day of the hunt, with beer and tall tales and maybe some fresh venison or elk. Guys standing around in Carhartt and camp […]

As I write this Saturday morning, it’s a cosy 57 degrees. I’ve already downed two cups of coffee, submitted a magazine piece, and edited pictures from yesterday’s two photo sessions. I broke out my Patagonia fleece for the first time in months, and a candle is burning on the table next to me. In short, […]

It’s been a run-around-in-circles week in the Green Mountain (really, Green Hill) country, a fact which sadly has negated any attempt at fishing. As I wrote this on Friday, weekend plans consist of undertaking the ever-growing mass of “to do” paperwork that seems to be slowly encroaching on my folding table desk. Said folding table […]

Sometimes an escape to the water is called for; sometimes it’s what is needed to press “reset” and keep the day-in-day-out routine rolling. This past week moved along pretty normally down at Orvis HQ creative services, and those that know me well know I don’t do “normal” well. I need projects, adrenaline, challenges. Normal is […]

The night before, friend Jackie and I sat at the bar at The Perfect Wife, a local pub, sipping cold cocktails while observing the concerted flutter of summer tourists. She had spent the day leading her brother and his friends on a kayak fishing trip, and I was dusty and smelling rather like a barn […]

This series has missed a few week’s worth of posting, simply due to the fact that any and all time away from the Orvis office has been spent juggling “real life” problems (like having my car bite the dust and subsequently having to find a replacement) and trying to quell the rising storm that seems […]