River – Madison

The Madison River Foundation is hosting another Varney Road / Madison River cleanup today; they’re meeting at Lion’s Park at 9 and heading on up. Lunch provided for those digging in and helping today. More here.

It’s time once again for the West Madison Ditch Fish Rescue – volunteers should be ready to rumble by 10 AM tomorrow morning at the Madison Ranger District Office (Forest Service). The Madison River Foundation is supplying buckets and lunch; you need to come with wading gear and a fish friendly net. The ditch operator […]

Several meetings were recently held around Southwest Montana to allow folks who love and appreciate the Madison River to share their concerns and suggestions with Montana FWP regarding the evolving Madison River Recreation Plan. FWP asked specifically for responses to a set of questions (see below) and tomorrow is the deadline to submit responses to […]

While some might argue the process is slower than molasses running on a cold January day in Montana, there are opportunities coming up for public input on the Madison River Recreation Management Plan, hopefully to be considered for inclusion in the draft EA due out in November. So all you genius guys and gals out […]

For the Madison River aficionados among us, click here to reach an abstract page that allows you to download the entire 152 page (!!!) Madison River Drainage Westslope Cutthroat Trout Conservation and Restoration Program; 2015 Annual Report to PPL Montana/Northwestern Energy Environmental Division Butte (December 2015). There’s a pile of data here, though we found […]

We’re pleased as punch to see Montana TU weigh in one final time on the proposed 2016 Montana fishing regulation changes particularly as they relate to the Madison River. Read their full letter to FWP (dated yesterday) here and don’t forget public comment on the issue closes on the 3rd of October (Saturday). Throw your […]

There will be two opportunities in the next few days to learn more about the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks proposed changes for the Madison regs. Madison River Foundation 29 September Travis Horton, FWP Region 3 Fisheries Manager, will speak at a meeting of the Madison River Foundation in Ennis on Tuesday the 29th, from […]

We’re late to the discussion table on this one (not in any way to suggest it’s not vitally important), though it’s worth throwing out there one more time today. The Issue: Madison River Reg Changes (Proposed) Some weeks ago, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks published a 59 page list of proposed fishing regulation changes for […]

TRAILER – Bill Beckett & the Madison from Cody Holcombe on Vimeo.

The MGTU chapter in Bozeman announced last night that they’d just be informed the West Madison ditch headgate was to be closed either last night or this morning (Wednesday). Closure of the gate always strands impressive numbers of fish in the Ditch – a fish rescue is being organized for Thursday the 7th. Meet at […]

A few more tidbits about Montana’s Madison River this morning. The Madison Hydroelectric Project is dead. Hydrodynamics, Inc. allowed their three project permits for hydroelectric projects on the Madison and East and West Rosebud Creeks in the Beartooths to expire in the past few months (announced 7 June). In this article the project director for […]

Why Are Flows 38% of Normal on the Madison This Morning? That’s a great question. We’ve now fully converted to the belief that managing recreational usage isn’t the most critical issue the Madison River system is facing today – the cornerstone issue for the Madison is flow management. And flow manager PP&L has done a […]