Inquiring Minds Want to Know

In today’s tech-obsessed, new-is-always-better, 3D printed, and yet often shoddily mass produced world, I find myself increasingly drawn to a domain where I alone labor to craft objects not only of profound usefulness but also of great beauty – my fly tying desk. Tying flies now for north of 25 years has allowed for amassing, […]

Had an interesting chat the other day with friend Steven, he just back from a run to the Four Corners area including a few days (or was it just a day?) on the San Juan. He caught a decent weather window and was impressed, as we all have been at one time or another, with […]

It’s snowpack season in the Western US and for late November, things are off to a pretty decent start as you can see from the maps (as of today 23 November) above for Montana and for the West in general below. Values report are precent of normal snow water equivalent for this date; of course […]

As of this morning, the guys at Norre Fishing (they make a very interesting looking landing net by the way) have about 57 hours left on their Kickstarter goal of $7,500 with $6,152 pledged so far. Looks like an interesting concept, though I’d love to have a non-affiliated fisheries biologist type person or two offer […]

Quick Secrets to Catching Difficult Rising Trout from Bryce McLean on Vimeo. This short video gives a quick but detailed rundown on how to simplify the process of catching big technical rising trout. These fish can be very frustrating so we are here to help! This is the first of many instructional videos to come […]

Kudos to Simms for their new G3 Guide Wader WQW (Warriors and Quiet Waters) Edition, with a goal set to raise $100,000 for the WQW team. Read more here (notice they even use words with more than three syllables, a restriction self-imposed by another ‘big’ in the industry). Well played and git ‘er done.

Two things worth a read you may not have seen in the past few days – Angling Trade’s Growing the Sport Poll Angling Trade has posted a survey querying how fly anglers feel about growing the sport – Do we really want to grow angler numbers? We hear this issue discussed just about every day, […]

Once again offering some interesting perspectives on the industry this month. We’re impressed to see Cortland turn 100 (I can still remember when the 333 series changed the line game) and a discussion of the issues simmering beneath the surface when talking about recruiting new fly fishers to the game. And about time on revising […]

Ross Purnell, Editor of Fly Fisherman, posted a nice tribute on their blog yesterday remembering Lawrence Levine, a North Umpqua River guide, author, and professor shot in Oregon this past week.

Perfection Loop from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.

Healing Waters from Foster Visuals on Vimeo. After 30 years in the Navy and 10 years in private industry, Ed Nicholson was diagnosed with cancer. He was in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center recovering when injured vets began coming back from Iraq. Nicholson realized there was something he could do to help them cope […]

Pyramid Creek from Thomas Eaton on Vimeo.

Charlotte Harbor from FlatsPirate Angling on Vimeo.

From the WNTI – The Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI) and our partners are proud to announce our 2016 Request For Proposals.  As one of 19 federally recognized National Fish Habitat Partnerships,  WNTI is a collaborative effort between 12 western states, 5 federal agencies, sovereign tribes, and private conservation groups that seek to cooperatively protect, […]

Snag yours at the Gig Harbor Fly Shop.