Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Nice effort from Gink and Gasoline and Tim Rajeff comparing glass vs. graphite in hand on the water.

Izaak’s is opening the doors this Friday, the 24th, providing incontrovertible evidence that spring has sprung in Montana. Image via this post on Headhunter’s blog.

Midge Nymph Sampler 1 from The Catch and The Hatch on Vimeo. See midge nymphs or larva, up close with this macro video of tiny aquatic midge nymphs. For more videos, check out our online entomology course for fly fishing.

From the Orvis fly fishing blog’s most recent Ask the Experts post – Tim Linehan, Linehan Outfitting Co. (Troy, Montana): The single most common mistake clients make? Clients make too many false casts.  You can’t refute the fact that fish are caught with flies in the water. If you have an angler in the front of the […]

Lift_Seperate from Fly Fishing DownUnder on Vimeo. Peter Morse demonstrates line control on hook up, a handy tip particularly for big fast running fish.

As home brining your own corned beef briskets takes a magical 8 days (this recipe has never failed us), you’ll need to hit the store today and put a couple (make that three to be safe) of these on to soak. Corned beef and cabbage might be the most traditional meal, but we’re really doing […]

05. How to Fish a Nymph & Indicator from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Depending on where you might call home in the Northern Rockies, you’ve seen anywhere from a “decent” snow year thus far to a “hells bells, this is the best ski season in decades” year in Northern Utah. Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) is a great way to track at least one feature of winter’s snow fly […]

Isaias Miciu Nicolaevici interview by Patagonia Journal from isaias miciu on Vimeo.

Bill Bakke’s retirement from the Native Fish Society has just been announced this week; from the press release email – Oregon City, OR | Effective January 1st 2017, Bill Bakke has retired from his 20 year career with the Native Fish Society. Mr. Bakke is the Founder of NFS and was also, at various times, […]

Fish the Truth – Scientific Anglers Leader and Tippet from Scientific Anglers on Vimeo. Math, and engineering, still count in the end. Well played.

The Tarantula Double-Haul | Punta Allen from Christian Ihrybauer on Vimeo.

04. How To Mend from RIO Products on Vimeo.

Truchas Mexicanas is a bi-national group that has been studying the trout of Mexico since 1997. As many as 12 species of native trout inhabit Mexico’s rugged and forbidding Sierra Madre. This is the saga of her trout, her native people and the struggle to save a dwindling resource. El grupo binacional Truchas Mexicanas ha […]

I’ve been fascinated by chironomids ever since reading about the exploits of the Kaufmann’s tossing them to trout all over the Sierras years ago. Sounds like the Fly Fish Food boys are thinking about a chironomid focused tying and fishing clinic sometime this spring down in Utah; worth a follow to see if and when […]