Inquiring Minds Want to Know
A couple of fly fishing gear and clothing purveyors stepped up yesterday and launched special programs to aid those who have been and still are being pummeled by the lasting effects of Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Fishpond is donating all the proceeds from the sale of their Salty Dog (top below) and Redfish shirts to […]
Trout Tips | Small Stream Dapping from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.
A useful recap of time-tested tips on getting kids hooked on fly fishing early on from Blake at Gig Harbor Fly Shop. We had both of our kids playing at waters edge before their second birthdays…
Chatting with a fly fishing obsessed buddy who moonlights in the real world as an ophthalmologist, he bemoaned yesterday the astounding flood of misinformation (and counterfeit goods) floating around about how to best view the eclipse using various filters (for your eyes and cameras). He – and others – are not hoping for, but are […]
The best advice we’ve read for the hoards descending on the West to enjoy tomorrow’s several minutes of the 2017 eclipse, via the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office FB page here: [And we’re planning our travel based on the SunSquatch map above (via National Geographic), plotting the places to best see the eclipse and bigfoot at […]
Admittedly (and unashamedly) this is a little “home cooking”, but Jess has posted something worth a read for those hoping at some point to become a world-famous (or infamous) fly fishing / outdoor journalist – So You Want to Be a Fishing Photographer or Writer… She has some fairly solid insights from the perspective of […]
Trout Tips | Small Streams from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.
Where Do Ideas Come From? from Andrew Norton on Vimeo.
I'll Have What I'm Having : Mad River Outfitters from Watershed Distillery on Vimeo. Watershed Distillery Co- Founder Greg Lehman spent some time Brian Flechsig in his shop and out on the water, to hear the story behind Mad River Outfitters, one of the largest and most recognized names in fly fishing.
The number of people surprised to travel to the Northern Rockies (Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho) in August and find it smokey seems to be higher than usual this year; maybe we’re just hearing more complaints from folks about smoke and haze obscuring their views of big rivers and mountain vistas. August is often the peak […]
Trout Tips | Small Stream Structure from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.
How’s that enlightened West Coast steelhead management coming along this year? Stunningly bad from the (granted) early returns at Bonneville (Columbia) and Lower Granite (Lower Snake) dams thus far. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or a Ph.D. Fisheries Biologist) to see that current approaches simply aren’t working, and certainly makes one wonder what in […]
Category winners from this past week’s IFTD show put on by AFFTA in Orlando. We’ll all be hearing much more about these goods over the next few months… Best of Show: Sage – Salt HD Men’s Wading Boots: Orvis — Ultralight Wading Boot Men’s Waders: Simms Fishing Products — G3 Wader Men’s Outerwear: Simms Fishing […]
Fly Shop Strong – ECHO Fly Fishing from Rajeff Sports on Vimeo.