Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Some areas of the West have experienced snow loading in the high country through the late spring, and even early summer by the calendar, at levels that are pretty damned extraordinary. From the Montana SWE map above, and the Westwide SWE map below, it’s clear that south central MT and northwestern and western WY have […]

S3 E8 How To Fish A Dry Fly Downstream Video from RIO Products on Vimeo.

From the Chicago Tribune about 10 days back – Indiana salmon hatchery raising GMO salmon for human consumption. One could easily argue there’s a reason you don’t find wild salmon in Indiana – landlocked save for 40 miles of southern-most Lake Michigan shoreline, Indiana has long been a leading producer of corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, […]

Throw your two cents in here; I’m stunned Louisiana is tied for last, and trails all states including “other”. WTH.

Redington: IN THE LOOP: River Etiquette from Redingtongear on Vimeo.

Here’s a final look at spring snowpack (using Snow Water Equivalent measures) in Montana and the greater West from yesterday’s reports. The first week of June is a bit later than we’ve posted the final snowpack update in years past, but it’s been snowing, at times damned impressively, in the high country of much of […]

A quick, lighthearted read via the BDC this morning.

One of the reasons we’re big fans of the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust is their focus on fostering, and undertaking, meaningful and applicable research supporting bonefish and tarpon (among other species) in their home waters. Here are great examples of some of the work they’ve been doing of late… Image from their linked post.

In what will be, I swear, the final commentary covering the board election for the ailing Madison River Foundation in the foreseeable future, here’s the position statement (as provided, unedited by me) of the team of gentlemen who are running as the Save the Madison River Foundation (SMRF) team block. Why post here? Historically, we’ve […]

On a lighter note today (after yesterday’s seriously-toned interview) here’s your reminder that the intrepid USPS has released a beautiful set of stamps commemorating Wild and Scenic rivers across the country. I realize mailing letters via the post office is a lost art, though it shouldn’t be; better pick some of these up before they’re […]

Read it here.