
LaFontaine Sparkle Emerger from Tightline Productions on Vimeo. On our list for this winter…..

WD-40 Fly from Tightline Productions on Vimeo. Walked into a fly shop yesterday and overheard a surprisingly intent argument on how to tie the WD 40. Recognizing that regional variations and personal tastes do exert their influence, here’s one recipe we’ve found useful…..

Here in Texas, the closest thing they have to matching the hatch is tying on an orange chenille fly to imitate cheetos falling into the water when the tubers are out in the summer.  As a consequence, fly selection is pretty easy.  My personal warm water choices are contained in a small, plain fly box […]

Rich’s Chicken Finger from Richard Strolis on Vimeo.

Sulphur Soft Hackle

by Mark McGlothlin on September 9, 2011

in Flies

Sulphur Soft Hackle from Tightline Productions on Vimeo. While it’s neither the sexiest approach nor one that Gierach would label as extreme fly fishing, swinging a soft hackle is a great way to explore fishy water between hatches. Here’s a detailed, nifty look at updating a classic fly.

HCFT 23 – Red Leg Crab from chase hancock on Vimeo.

Tubeology In Action! from Fly Max Films on Vimeo.

Fly Tying Session: GFA Foam Hopper from Troutsiders on Vimeo.

Montana Steel from YGF

by Mark McGlothlin on August 17, 2011

in Flies

Montana Steel from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo. Missed getting this one up yesterday. Nifty.

HCFT 22 – Merky Lerky from chase hancock on Vimeo.

Hardcore Fly Tying’s Fiddla on da Run Hardcore Fly Tying 21 – Fiddla’ on da Run from chase hancock on Vimeo. Flyblaster’s EZ Buzzer E-Z Buzzer (Epoxy Buzzer) from Flyblaster Blog on Vimeo. On the road this morning…more to follow.

Taken with a stealth iPhone cam. Work in progress for the sometimes finicky Guadalupe Bass; field testing this week if plans hold.

Tying the Hopper Juan from Juan Ramirez on Vimeo.

Chubby Chernobyl from Juan Ramirez on Vimeo. At least this is what we’d be thinking about in a more or less normal water year about now…….

I don’t have a lot of worm patterns in my fly boxes. I fish a few tailwaters but for some reason I’ve never got on the worm train. I don’t have a massive ethical aversion to fishing worms, although they are not my favorite.  I figure that if worms are in the drift, then you […]