Spicy BWO from Richard Strolis on Vimeo. This is a couple of years old, though a friend did very, very well with these back home this past season. They’re on my list this winter….
From the Streamers 365 site – During 2012, we will be showcasing one feather-wing streamers a day for the entire year. The concept is called 365 blogging, but if you look at a 2012 calendar, you may notice there are actually 366 days! Not to worry, we’ve been able to scrape up an extra streamer […]
Tying The Bead Head Soft Hackle from Rob Weiker on Vimeo. Via Rob Weiker at Lakestream Fly Shop in Whitefish. Purists may squawk about the bead; soft hackles may be one of the most useful flies that’s not in your box.
Mark Raiser, otherwise known as SOL (in this case it means Squeaky Oar Lock) and co-owner of the Headhunters Fly Shop in Craig, just posted a piece that’s a must read for anyone who thinks they might ever fish the Missouri some winter’s day. (Yep, that’s his image too.) Nope, Mark’s not the genius we’re […]