Zudbubbbler from Fly Fish the Mitt on Vimeo.
Erik Ties the Overkill (Ling Cod) from Gig Harbor Fly Shop on Vimeo. Here’s one you don’t see everyday…a fish-proven handful of Ling Cod fly. Tied by friend of Chi Wulff, fisher extraordinaire and Gig Harbor Fly Shop manager Erik Halom.
Bunny Diver from floris van den berg on Vimeo.
Mickey Frankenbubbler from Fly Fish the Mitt on Vimeo. Bass popper by day, trout mouse by night.
FLYMAGE FLY TYING 13 from Flymage Fly Fishing Magazine on Vimeo.
tying the prince from Christopher Miller on Vimeo.
Angora Golden Simple Stone from Johnathon Spens on Vimeo.
Goddard Caddis from Tightline Productions on Vimeo. Sweet fly.
Fur and Feather Matinee – Scott Davis – Drum Beater from Southern Culture on the Fly on Vimeo.
Ephemera Danica from Stefan on Vimeo.
Joe Benton’s Armored Bait Fly from Shane Clevenger on Vimeo.
Tying the Cobia O’Brien Fly from Shane Clevenger on Vimeo.
FLYMAGE FLY TYING 12 from Flymage Fly Fishing Magazine on Vimeo.
Set, Set, Set, Set…SET!! | Fly Fishing Argentina, Las Pampas Lodge from Bryan Gregson Photography on Vimeo.
Quill Gordon Emerger from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.