Peacock and Partridge from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.
Slumpbuster from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.
The Usual from The Fly Patch on Vimeo.
Ausable Wulff from The Fly Patch on Vimeo.
CDC Transitional Midge from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.
Tarpon Snake from Ian Baldwin on Vimeo.
Tying the Usual from My Leaky Waders on Vimeo.
Little Black Stonefly from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.
Little Green Machine from Headhunters Fly Shop on Vimeo. Another classic from HH.
Tying One On! – EP 5 starring Brian Chan from TIGHT LINE FILMS on Vimeo.
| The Bench | from Jake Patton on Vimeo.
Wally Wing Rusty Spinner from Tightline Productions on Vimeo.
Lightning Bug from Headhunters Fly Shop on Vimeo. Call me simpleton, a moron, or just a plain dumbass – I still think the humble Lightning Bug is one of the greats to have tucked away in the box.
Ice Minnow from Brooks Browns & Bows on Vimeo.