
Fishing Bears: Crescent Lake, Alaska from Old Red Images on Vimeo.

A friend with an inquiring mind sent this link over regarding the effectiveness of handguns or pistols in defense against an aggressive bear. Why post here? Like many of you, we (my adult offspring in Montana do multiple days every damn week of the year) spend a fair amount of time in country frequented by […]

Rarely in these days of “if it bleeds, it leads” journalism are we treated to stories covering a positive focus on the environment or endangered species, though kudos are due Garden and Gun for this recent article covering loggerhead turtle recovery on the Southeast coast. Read the full piece here, and here’s another interesting link […]

First, the Reversal In a somewhat rare reversal of opinion by a journalist these days, Wes Siler writing at Outside Online (image from their article above) penned last month an updated set of recommendations regarding bear safety, specifically related to being attacked for whatever reason by a bear, which now includes carrying an effective sidearm […]

A surprisingly (almost) balanced piece from NPR on a few of the issues being debated about grizzly recovery; read it here.

In a minor departure from our typical fly fishing fare, here’s a nifty piece about chasing Elk in the Northern Rockies, along with a side helping of father son remembrances.

In a bit of a departure for us here at ChiWulff, here’s a link to something that’ll make you smile today – Garden and Guns’ 2018 Good Dog Contest winners. We know many most of our fishy friends out there have a good dog in the family… Image via Garden and Gun.

Count me among those who would really like to believe that Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or whatever you’d like to call him exists out there, but as one trained and invested in the world of (primarily biological) science, can’t shake off a healthy skepticism. That said, having spent a bit of time wandering the overgrown backcountry on […]

A sobering bear attack/encounter in Wyoming back on the 14th prompted a fair amount of conjecture and discussion among our friends who routinely travel the backcountry of Montana and Wyoming to hike, fish, and hunt. As the facts began to trickle out, laid out fairly objectively in this article from the Casper Star Tribune (their […]

The Wyoming Migration Initiative has put together a nifty interactive on their site detailing eastern Greater Yellowstone mule deer migration. Those that have fished the Shoshone and wandered the country east of YNP and between the Winds and the Yellowstone Plateau know what rugged and remote country these deer call home.

The Beaverhead Watershed Committee is hosting the 2nd event in their popular Summer Speaker Series tonight in Dillon at the Depot Theater in “downtown” Dillon. Jim DeBoer of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will present all the thorny details about porcupines at 7, though if you’re early (6ish) there’s a free community barbecue before the […]

Yellowstone Elk

by Mark McGlothlin on May 24, 2017

in Critters

Some days you just need to watch big critters moving around in their home country. Hat tip Bob G.

Duke and the Buffalo

by Mark McGlothlin on February 26, 2017

in Critters

DUKE AND THE BUFFALO from Bows & Arrows on Vimeo. Once a year, a crew of Colorado ranchers rounds up a herd of wild buffalo as part of a unique conservation effort. This film follows the story of Duke Phillips and his team of ranchers as they risk everything to preserve this endangered animal and […]

Jess scored a ritzy media week stay in Jackson this week and ran across this good looking fella rounding up the ladies in Grand Teton NP. Yet another reason fall in the high country is grand.

Shot on the Missouri when I was working with the Headhunters gang; Zack and Kelly came over from Washington to help with a product photo shoot and we spent a great spring day on the river. A good dog or two in the boat beats a Neal (or most any other brother-in-law) just about any […]