Finding Peace

by Mark McGlothlin on August 17, 2021

in Fish Stories

Finding Peace from Cameron Cushman on Vimeo.

From the Vimeo posting –

Two years ago I volunteered to make a short film about The Iron Freedom Foundation on the Devils River in south Texas. Fast forward to today, this film is my 17th IFF film, and our very first couples fly fishing program.

When Will first proposed the idea of a couples trip I was completely against it, and if I am being honest I was against it all the way up until we arrived in the mountains. I now see how wrong my feelings were. This trip was one of the most powerful yet, the bonding of brotherhood was stronger than I have experienced on almost all of the trips, the women on the trip got to experience and see their husband under an entirely different mental attitude. I could go on and on about how amazing it was and how we all developed what may be some of the closest friendships we will experience in life.

It will be a privilege to share the stories of the men and their spouses from this past trip. Here is just a highlight of the emotions we felt and experienced this past week.

Stay tuned for individual films.