Shuffling the Madi Rec Plan Rules Before Implementation?

by Mark McGlothlin on April 5, 2021

in River - Madison

In their 1 April meeting the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission spent time discussing whether or not to delay implementation of the new rules and regs for the Madison River that have generated such spirited discussion over the past few years. The commission voted 4-1 to advance the rule change (delay the implementation); once filed with the Sec. of State a public comment period opens, with a final vote to be taken 24 June per current schedule.

Here’s the 1 April meeting agenda and an 8+ (!) hour recording of the zoom meeting; here’s the specific changes pertinent to the Madison plan that were discussed.

Here’s an example of local (puff) media coverage from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle (image above from their article).

Told ‘ya this story is far, far from over…