Oil Exploration in the Bahamas: Petition to Stop

by Mark McGlothlin on January 31, 2021

in Conservation

There’s a fair bit of discussion ongoing these days about exploratory drilling in and near the Bahamas, and naturally in this day and age there’s a fair amount of opposition to drilling there given the fragile, somewhat unique, and recovering post-hurricane ecosystems in the area.

An alliance has formed in opposition – Our Island Our Future – and they have a petition up to garner world-wide support against further drilling – read and sign here (screen shot above).

For the record, we as a team have historically supported responsible energy production; as much as some folks want you to believe today that the fossil fuel spigot can simply be turned off and life around the world will be hunky dory thereafter, that’s some of the most imbecilic, magical thinking you’ll find anywhere, and not even close to being grounded in economic or scientific fact. There are a host of rational options to cover energy demands (ie thorium reactors anyone?) – we’ll see if rationale thought in the energy sector will prevail.

There’s a time and place for resource development; drilling for oil in the Bahamas ain’t it.