Interesting Look at River Users in the Paradise Valley This Past Summer

by Mark McGlothlin on December 30, 2020

in Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Brett French via the Missoulian has recently published an interesting read on summer Yellowstone River use in the Paradise Valley. We’ve always loved the Yellowstone River, and now that Jake, Kaitlyn, and grandson Brantley live about 2 blocks from the big bend of the river in Livingston we feel like we have a home anchor point just about on the water’s edge…

Not unexpectedly in this bizarre year, just over 4 out of 5 summer users on the River (Emigrant to Livingston) were from Montana, the majority of those being from Livingston and Bozeman. One of the more interesting data points from the study was that only 40% of the river users were fishers – important as access sites are placed, repaired, and maintained in Montana primarily from funds garnered from fishing license fees, bolstering the argument that non-fisher recreationists aren’t paying “their fair share” (a concept you’ve no doubt heard bandied about during this political season year).

The data quoted in the article was sourced from a 57-page study recently published by the U of M’s Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research – read it here.

Image via the linked article in the Missoulian.