The Friday Feast 3 July 2020: The Family “Original Recipe” Grilled Chicken

by Mark McGlothlin on July 3, 2020

in Friday Feast

Just in time for the 4th of July holiday, today over on the Older Bolder Life I’ve posted a family recipe that we’ve closely held for decades – Our Family “Original Recipe” Grilled Chicken, ever since I plied the building blocks of this one from a couple of ranch cooks in the Texas Panhandle back in high school. Yep, that was a looooong time ago, and probably kindled my lifelong passion for cooking all sorts of nifty proteins over live fire decades ago.

After trying grilled chicken recipes from just about everywhere chickens grace the campfire and grill (we’re covering lots of ground here obviously), this is the best damned chicken prep we’ve ever tasted. It’ll make any other river lunch you’ve ever had pale in comparison, is great hot or cold, and will elevate any chicken salad recipe to new heights.

The “sauced” image below is this delicious chicken topped with next week’s Gochujang Curry Peanut Sauce – holy moly is that a great combination.

Git ‘er done this weekend.