Attaboy Monday: USAC Patiently Working the Legislative Game

by Mark McGlothlin on February 3, 2020

in Access and Public Lands

In news from the Utah Stream Access Coalition last Friday, their efforts to codify critical stream access regs in Utah law took a leap forward last week with the committee submission of SBOO63SO2. See the details reported in the cut from their newsletter above, and read the bill at the link.


And to answer the inevitable question of why the hell do we care what happens to access in Utah, here’s the over-simplified explanation. A small band of river and stream access visionaries in Utah have joined together to fight back against the onslaught of privatization creeping into the Northern Rockies. Need an example of what it’s like to be locked out (for the most part) of state-owned waterways? Look to Texas for a prime example, or even the insanity currently ongoing over access of the upper Madison in Montana.

Precedent matters, and the Utah battle is far from over; privatization as well as legislative interests around the West are watching this story with keen eyes. Considering supporting USAC in their all volunteer effort to finish this fight in Utah.

And never forget, ever more so today, ACCESS MATTERS.