Kiss Your Bass Goodbye: Stop the Smallmouth Invasion in the Upper Missouri Headwaters

by Mark McGlothlin on March 21, 2019

in Kiss My Bass

Montana’s FWP has just announced its proposed plan to eradicate illegally introduced smallmouth bass from a Gallatin County (Belgrade) neighborhood pond, fearing potential spread to nearby waters – with mention of the Lower Madison, Gallatin, and Jefferson in particular.

The catch is this: smallies do very well in nutrient-rich, crayfish-packed riverine systems, and if spread, would likely also devastate juvenile trout populations in Upper Missouri headwaters rivers. History provides some interesting lessons; there’s been a fascinating spread of illegally introduced smallies in the Flathead (it’s documented in the EA below).

Local media have picked up the story (see this article in the BDC), and there’s been the usual gasping, grunting, and gesticulating over the use of rotenone.

Read FWP’s Environmental Assessment here (the full doc is available in PDF form from the page), and the comment period is only open through the 17th of April.

The Madison River Foundation is also collecting comments here. (We’re guessing they’re thrilled to have something to talk about besides their mis-steps with the Madison River Rec Plan thus far, and I whole-heartedly commend their effort here.)

Smallies are a wonderful, fun fly-fishing species, but not in the Upper Missouri headwaters. The bucket brigade introducing these fish illegally can kiss their bass somewhere else.