Anticipation: The Winter Solstice Edition

by Mark McGlothlin on December 21, 2018

in Local's Prerogative


Though at first glance it almost seems counterintuitive, as a fly fisher I love the Winter Solstice.

Even though it’s the shortest day of the year for most of us in the northern hemisphere (or damned close to it), and marks the onset of the astrological winter season, today marks a pivotal turn toward spring and summer, with the days ever so slowly lengthening, creeping toward those heady days of summer pushing 18 hours (or more) of fishable daylight for those of us knocking around the norther tiers.

Sure the “put your head down and grind through it” part of winter is yet to come, though at least in the Northern Rockies that’s snowpack building season, storing up water we’ll all be enjoying through next season, and winter storms with big snow dumps are always welcomed.

There’s of course some winter fly fishing to be done, swinging big flies on some of the hallowed big rivers (thinking of you, mighty Missouri), and nymphs to be snaked down favorite runs otherwise, and lots of flies to be tied to restock the boxes.

Tip your hat and glass to the Winter Solstice today; and it’s time to start planning next year’s trips…

Image: Almost winter solstice sunset, YNP, image mine.