Montana Grayling Again Up for Review

by Mark McGlothlin on August 26, 2018

in River - Big Hole


Back on the 17th the Missoulian reported that the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit (yep, that one, the most reversed Federal Appeals Court in the country according to this Law Professor at Pepperdine, using data from the Harvard Law Review)…

…reversed U.S. District Judge Sam Haddon’s 2016 ruling that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision not to list the Arctic grayling as threatened or endangered was based on the best available science.

So it’s back for further review and consideration; all in all we’re still supportive of the grayling’s listing, though the argument is undoubtedly going to be a grind once again, and potentially displace other critical issues in an arena of tight and ever tightening funding. Should be interesting to follow…

Image via the Missoulian.