Thirsty Thursday 12 April 2018: The Gin Rickey

by Mark McGlothlin on April 12, 2018

in Thirsty Thursday


In praise of almost shameful simplicity, here’s a quick recipe for the Gin Rickey, one of the most effortless cocktails to stir up and savor on the porch as spring rolls into your neighborhood these next few weeks.

We’re having one of those crazy runs around our camp this week, in fact as this post pops this morning, She Who Must Be Obeyed and I will be making the early morning sojourn to DFW International Airport to put her on a quick flight back home to Bozeman and Livingston.

When life hands you overloaded weeks and a fresh lime or two, maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and enjoy one of these.

1.5 ounces Gin
1 nice lime, cut in half
Chilled club soda

Optional garnish: Lime wheel

This one’s pretty danged easy. Fill a (highball) glass with clean ice, add the gin, then juice the limes into the glass and drop the juiced lime shells in for good measure.

Fill it with club soda, give a gentle stir, garnish with that lime wheel if that makes you happy, and go to it.
