Chatting with a fly fishing obsessed buddy who moonlights in the real world as an ophthalmologist, he bemoaned yesterday the astounding flood of misinformation (and counterfeit goods) floating around about how to best view the eclipse using various filters (for your eyes and cameras).
He – and others – are not hoping for, but are prepared for, higher injury rates than in the past and there will no doubt be millions of dollars of electronics fried later today.
One of the best summaries of practical precautions we’ve seen is this one – The Impending Eclipse: IMPORTANT – posted by Karl Denninger, one of the brightest men writing about economic and a host of other issues today. He’s a noted businessman, author, high level photographer, and a true Renaissance man, and is spot on with his frank post yesterday. The comments following his post discuss a number of handy issues, including what type of welding visor shielding will work and what won’t (it’s a bit trickier than you might have been led to believe due to the different light spectrums, i.e. arc vs the visual spectrum).
Just read it and be safe today; the two eyes you’re packing right now are impossible to repair and replace.