Notes form Base Bozeman 2 September: Hangin’ It Up

by Jess McGlothlin on September 2, 2016

in Notes from Base Bozeman




Teamwork makes the world go ‘round.

Last night, Jake and his wife Kaitlyn rallied and helped me hang up a wall’s worth of canvases at downtown Bozeman coffeehouse Wild Joe’s Coffee Spot. The images are up and — as one customer noted when I was in the coffee shop this morning leaving final signage — there are a lot of stories on that wall.



Jake grabbed up the camera and got a few shots of the set-up process, and afterwards we retreated a few blocks down for drinks and dinner. Thanks to everyone who has been supportive through this undertaking… it’s fun to see it all up on the wall and out in the world in a different format than magazine and web!

For those in southwest Montana, I’ll be hanging around the coffee house for the September Art Walk on the 9th from 6 to 8PM. Swing by and say hi!

Images: Jake McGlothlin

