Notes From Base Bozeman 20 July: IFTD and Florida Bassin’

by Jess McGlothlin on July 20, 2016

in Notes from Base Bozeman

NFBBJMM20Jul_1Back to Montana after a week in Florida. The week of the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show was a sprint — it’s interesting and very different seeing it from the AFFTA side of things (the American Fly Fishing Trade Association puts on the show) and after everything wrapped up Friday evening there was that nice moment of “it’s done, it worked, and I’m too tired to think.” Huge thanks to everyone who came out — exhibitors and attendees. We’re already working on next year’s show, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever before.

NFBBJMM20Jul_2One of the best parts about this industry is the people. Sure, the fishing is fun. The exotic locations are awesome. And the travel is good (most of the time). But when the tribe gathers I’m again reminded that, at the end of the day, it’s the people that make it all worthwhile. Fly-fishing folks from around the world gather at IFTD, and there’s always the promise of catching up with old friends, making new, and finally meeting social media acquaintances face-to-face. There’s never enough time for all the conversations I’d like to have.

NFBBJMM20Jul_3Before flying out Sunday morning, I was able to hit the ponds at the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes for a bit of bass fishing with G. Loomis’s Tom Larimer and the Ritz’s Head of Fishing Mark. Even as I write this, the idea of fishing at the Ritz still sounds a little strange, but it was damn fun. My warm water experience is limited to carp in Montana and bass / carp / gar in the Northeast, and we had shots at plenty of fat bass and a few meandering grass carp. I was even able to have my first go at spinning gear, which proved to be different and a fun diversion once the sun rose and the fishing slowed down. Growing up fly-only, it felt alien to be casting the gear, but there’s something gratifying about being able to huck a lure a long ways (even if I’m at the very bottom of the learning curve).

NFBBJMM20Jul_4Working on some projects here in Montana this week, then off on a horse packing trip into the Absaroka-Beartooths on assignment for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures this coming week. It’s just enough time to do laundry and catch up a bit on email before heading out again.