Yellowstone News: Angler Meetings, Shoshone River Vent, and A Voice of Sanity

by Mark McGlothlin on April 20, 2016

in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park Announces Regional Angler Meetings

YNP20apr1Yesterday this popped up on the YNP News Release site (hat tip to Joe Moore) –

Yellowstone National Park staff will travel to nearby communities next week to talk with anglers about the ongoing efforts to restore native fish species, the threat of aquatic invasive species, and the park’s fishing regulations.

In addition to the general public, local fly shop employees and fishing guides are encouraged to attend one of the following outreach meetings:

  • Monday, April 25 in Bozeman, MT at Hilton Garden Inn, 2023 Commerce Way.
  • Tuesday, April 26 in West Yellowstone, MT at Holiday Inn, 315 Yellowstone Ave.
  • Tuesday, May 3 in Cody, WY at Best Western Premier Ivy Inn, 1800 8th St.
  • Wednesday, May 4 in Jackson, WY at Wort Hotel, 50 N. Glenwood St.

The meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m.with a brief presentation on native fish restoration projects including a plan to create a native fish refuge in the upper Gibbon River as well as Grebe and Wolf lakes. A discussion on angling regulations and a question and answer session will follow the presentation…

New Hydrothermal Vent in the Shoshone Probably Doesn’t Mean the World’s Ending

YNP20apr2Amazing what a new hydrothermal feature, in one of the most geologically active regions on the planet, can invoke among folks these days.

A new vent opened in the bed of the Shoshone back on March 25th near Cody, damned unusual though apparently not unprecedented; it’s all over alternative and social media these days and was reported in the Billings Gazette here on the 11th; screen cut of the article to the left.

As interesting as the concept may be, and despite the breathless ‘end of the world’ reporting covering the phenomena, our money is on the caldera NOT blowing in the next few weeks. (Try a web search for ‘shoshone river boiling’ if you need some Chicken-Little-oriented entertainment…)

And for a Voice of Yellowstone Sanity…

We’ve long been fans of the writings of Yellowstoner on the Fly Fishing in Yellowstone National Park blog. He’s a somewhat private guy that we’ve had to the pleasure of getting to know over the years.

His blog isn’t necessarily the showiest, fanciest kid on the block, but he continues to prove the old adage that content really is king. And he’s a bit of a foodie too. Well worth putting on your ‘must read’ every week list.
