Three Wishes for Your Thanksgiving Weekend from Team Chi Wulff

by Mark McGlothlin on November 26, 2015

in Local's Prerogative

CWThanks_V1Three simple wishes for your Thanksgiving day and long weekend.

May you share at least one meal with a four-legged friend, out under the Big Sky (eating with your dog in front of the TV doesn’t count); they’re often better company than the two-legged version.

May the sun shine just enough to make icicles form tomorrow morning on your roofline. ‘Tis the season.

May half your meals this long weekend require the use of your ‘get the hell out of town’ stove. Fancy meals are fine and dandy, but a cup of noodles on the banks of (insert favorite river here) still tastes like heaven in a cup after a cold fall afternoon throwing streamers for meat-eating fish.

Get outside, kick up a little dust, wet a line, shoot a bow, fire a gun and eat great food until you have to loosen your belt.

Cheers, and Holiday Best to all.
