Love this campaign from the Utah Stream Access Coalition; fly fishermen and outdoorsmen need steady reminders about how precious and critically important access to waterways and America’s public lands is to all of us.
Sure, it’s high summer and August rolls around on Saturday and there’s a building sense of pressure to capture as much time on the water as we all can. Life is busy, and outdoorsmen and women sometimes work triply hard to pay the bills, love and enjoy the family and still get outside and play.
But just as the dusting of snow across the Montana and Yellowstone high country this week reminds us the glory days of the fall season are just around the corner, we need to remember that those who want to restrict access and sell your public lands haven’t taken the summer off to rest.
Play hard. Squeeze every drop of summer fun out of the days remaining. Make every second of every day count.
But please keep eyes peeled and ears attuned to public land and access issues. There’s lot’s more work to be done.