Thirsty Thursday: BTP’s Soco Sweet Tea

by Jake McGlothlin on June 25, 2015

in Thirsty Thursday

soco_fullThere are just some things you can’t quite get here in Montana.  Really good, fresh seafood.  Real BBQ.  Sweet tea.  That last one is perhaps the one I miss most about living in more southern climes.  A big glass of sweet tea on a hot afternoon after a good day on the water is very refreshing.  There are some things the South does right…

During a conversation about sweet tea with a good Southern friend of mine he was kind enough to pass on the following recipe.  Apparently it was his brother’s recipe that you can still find at a movie theatre (a movie theatre that serves booze??) in their hometown in Georgia.  My friend spent a season “perfecting” the recipe in Craig on the Missouri.

It does come with a warning:  It’ll knock you on your ass if you aren’t careful.  Drink carefully.

You need:

Souther Comfort
Gran Marnier
Fresh Mint – If you don’t have a mint plant in the garden do yourself a favor and go get one
Sweet Tea – Homemade is best.  If you’re in a hurry the store bought kind will do
Lemon Wedge

The measurements  in this drink can vary depending on the kind of day its been, how hot it is outside, and how big a glass you’ve got.  I have a 30oz Yeti Rambler, so downsize if you aren’t using something quite the big.

Muddle some mint leaves (3 or 4) in the bottom of a glass.  Fill with ice.  Add about that much Soco.  A couple of fingers worth anyway.  Splash in some Gran Marnier.  If you are as cheap as I am and don’t want to shell out the money for that, any orange liqueur will do in a pinch.  Top off with sweet tea.  Like I said, homemade is best, but perfect that recipe before trying this one.  Proper homemade sweet tea is a big enough topic for a whole other post, which I’ll write as soon as I figure out how to do it right.  Squeeze a lemon wedge in and stir it all up.

Best enjoyed on the river or the back porch with a view of the mountains and always with good company.  Drink slowly.