WE ARE SALMON JUNKIES – The Official Trailer (NEW) from Salmon Junkies on Vimeo.
…The last stronghold for wild Atlantic salmon lies in a remote corner of northwest Russia. Here, above the Arctic Circle in a vast and largely inaccessible land, a network of rivers remains largely intact — free from power dams, fish hatcheries and other interfering inventions of the developed world. Here, salmon exist as they have for millennia, each year returning from the sea to create a new generation. Similarly, each year from May to October, dedicated salmon junkies from the world over gather along these rivers to leave modern life behind, to live simply on the taiga and to pursue the King of Fish.
But the call goes beyond sport and relaxation; the exercise is not merely escape or privileged leisure. To be a dedicated salmon angler today, in the throes of the 21st Century, is to make a statement. For many, salmon angling has given birth to an environmental perspective and has enlivened a fight for cause. To search for wild salmon is to also champion the future of wild salmon and the health of the places they live. It is to foster and encourage efforts to preserve nature’s richness and its many wonders for our descendants…
Read more from the Vimeo posting here.