
by Jake McGlothlin on April 13, 2015

in Monday Mantra

Nicknames go hand in hand with fishing buddies.  You fish with someone enough and it’s just bound to happen.  For instance, Shane dubbed me Bigfoot I don’t know how many years ago and I’m sure that one will stick around for many years to come.  You just never know exactly when the moment will come when you’ll be christened, but christened you will be eventually.

Take my friend Ethan for example.  For years we have had nicknames for him.  Twitchy was the first, because he could never stand still at work.  Deadeye came next when he missed a large bull elk at a rather close distance with is longbow.  Last week Ken christened him with a new one: Hummingbird.


Humminbird is a brand of fish finders.  Ethan is a very fishy dude that can find fish damn near anywhere in a river.  I’ve been fishing with him for almost four years and I’ve only outfished him once.  He’s not quite as fishy as Ken Stock, but he’s up there…

We were anchored up, sitting in the boat enjoying a nice whiskey buzz, when Ethan caught yet another fish.  Ken shook his head, looked at me and said “We should call him Humminbird”.  So it was said, so it shall be.


We caught a lot of fish that day.  We had gone up to Craig in hopes of finding some fish on top, but although conditions were right and we did see quite a few bugs on the water the fish simply weren’t eating.  But we still managed to find some.  I could spend a couple hundred more words talking about it, but I’d rather just let the pictures tell the story.

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Fishing nicknames are like a badge of honor in our community of anglers.  What’s the best one you’ve heard?