Jake and later I met Winston (Cundiff) down in Austin, somewhat ironically via the Orvis store there, back in 2010 and grew to appreciate his passion for fly fishing, killer sense of humor and skill with a fly rod among other things.
Winston has been guiding with All Water Guides for a while now and has a damned interesting boat as well as approach to fly fishing Texas waters, particularly bass on central Texas waterways.
Recently we spied a pic he’d taken of his guide boat and while it’s not a full on wooden boat we pestered Winston for some more pics. His quote that came back with the pics was right on the money –
I love the aluminum hull but a boat don’t seem like a boat without a little wood.
He’s shared even more wisdom in a great post this past week (Winston’s Take: Bass on the Fly) where he dishes some great insights earned the hard way on the water.