On The Road Again

by Jake McGlothlin on May 27, 2014

in Local's Prerogative

By the time this posts this morning I will hopefully be on the east side of the Cascades, speeding my way home to Bozeman.  A move is always hectic, stressful, and has that eerie pall of uncertainty looming in the background.  Even moving back to home country… The questions of paying bills, life, love, and career keep dancing around inside my head.

But there is some great comfort in actually getting in the car, pointing it toward your destination, and putting in windshield time.  Once you actually start down the path your head clears and the nagging doubts silence themselves.  Getting started is the hardest part.

By this time (9 pm) tomorrow, I’ll be sitting around with my best friend drinking my favorite beer in my new home.  Bear with me for the next few weeks, as I get things worked out and get settled in.  Keep an eye out for some (hopefully) great stuff coming your way this summer from the Bozone.  firstsnow2013-26

See you on the other side.