Dispatches from Craig: Morning Sessions and Light

by Jess McGlothlin on July 28, 2013

in Dispatches from Craig



The sprint continues. I suddenly find myself knee deep in editorial assignments (total bliss) and this week Missouri River life is mixing with a honey farm, bamboo sourcing, a conservation project in Nevada and several other projects.

Call it sanity preservation. Busy is good.

Things are slowing up a bit on the river, though with cooler temperatures this coming week I imagine the fishing will do nothing but improve. Mornings and evening remain fair, and midday fishing hasn’t changed much… still tough. Reports are coming in of hoppers, though I have yet to see very many around and about.

I’ve been working the closing shift at the store, which in the photography world means lots of 0400h mornings to get into place for strong photographic light. I had a productive session near Holter Dam several days ago. The dust from the road mixed with tricos to produce a hazy, almost foggy light.

It’s all about the light.

With long, extremely bright days and the hills turning to brown, the photography emphasis has been less on scenics and more on incorporating scenic aspects into a shot that captures those long, hot days. The green hills of spring seem like ages ago.

While much of Montana is battling wildfires, as of yet we’ve been spared on the Missouri front. We’ll see what the coming month brings.

Here’s to the coming of fall.

