The ViQueen and the Brotherhood of the Fly

by Mark McGlothlin on July 3, 2013

in Local's Prerogative


Just rolled back into the office after spending a few hours at the Gig Harbor Fly Shop, on the shores of the actual Gig Harbor. (It’s worthy to note the literal Gig Harbor and the town itself were already full to brim with the area’s elite in their holiday splendor, showcasing the finest in expensive boats, cars, fashion and plastic surgery.)

The morning was spent behind the camera filming shop manager Erik tying his latest fly creation (honoring bucktailers everywhere) the ViQueen and watching shop master James weld lines, sell kayaks and otherwise solve the customer issues of the day like a ninja.

(On a side note, Erik is an as of yet underutilized voice talent waiting to be discovered. This dude can bring the voice goods.)

As with any business conducted in fly shops on hot summer days (or any other day for that matter), there was a fair amount of chatter. Today’s chatter actually revolved around fly fishing for the most part save for when only the most distracting displays of summer skin strolled by on the front sidewalk.

With a fluidity and ease that never ceases to amaze me, customer after customer in conversation after conversation chatted through an amazing array of fish species today.

In a span of no more than three hours we talked about summer steelhead, pink salmon, king salmon, coho, ling cod, cabazon, rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, searun cutthroats, stripers, brown trout, bull trout, smallmouth, sunfish, Guadalupe bass, redfish and black drum (the last three as James was just back from Texas).

Fishers from all walks of life talking about fish from all over hell and back. The brotherhood of the fly at work again.