Dispatches From Craig: Wading – and Not in the River

by Jess McGlothlin on June 16, 2013

in Dispatches from Craig


FGP-DFC-16-Jun-2It’s been an odd week in central Montana, including being run off the road and walking into my apartment to find my entire floor – apartment wide – covered in water during a thunderstorm.

Turns out windows that seemingly function don’t work as well when the sills fill up with water and said water streams in through the wall itself.

Suffice to say, I’m ready to move on into another week, and this coming week’s assignments include meetings with gallery owners in Bozeman, covering the start of Montana Shakespeare in the Parks’ fortieth anniversary and writing a couple shorts for area newspapers.

MSIP is presenting Henry V. I’m ready for a heady dose of culture.

But things tend to look brighter in the light of day; the apartment is finally drying out, and despite threatening to, my ceiling did not collapse.

You know, it’s the small things.

FGP-DFC-16-Jun-3I was excited to see a piece I’ve been working on and fighting for finally come to print; an overview of the Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development in American Angler. The organization works hard to bridge the seemingly impossible gap between conservation and energy development, and it was eye-opening to see how hard this crew works on the formidable task.

Another piece came to print, a feature on the Ponoi River in Russia made its way into Fly Fusion. With a short written essay titled “The People of the Ponoi,” the feature ran with a series of photos.

There is always a breath-holding period after submitting materials to an editor; layout can do so much to either help or hurt a piece. All part of the process.

At any rate, when I am not in Craig there has been lot of time spent back in Starbucks in Great Falls, letting the apartment dry out and writing. Lots of time driving around, looking for scenes that jump out and chasing severe thunderstorms. The Fire Girl Subaru can handle a little hail, and I don’t mind spending a few hours pulled off the road in bad weather if it pays off with a strong image or two.

Just another week in the Montana bush.
