Dispatches From Craig: Break to Bozeman

by Jess McGlothlin on May 26, 2013

in Dispatches from Craig


I was able to break away from Craig and the ‘Mo for a few days of family time in Bozeman.

It was amazing. There were real stores, and restaurants, and… everything!

At any rate, it was a good break to do some “real world” thinking and knock out a few projects that had been lingering on my list.

DFC-26-May-1Somehow, Bozeman was typified for me by this picture of a lab in a Subaru with an Apple sticker, driving down Main Street. There are very likely over a hundred carbon copies of this rig in town.

A day trip into Yellowstone provided some “thinking road time.” With the help of the Dry Fly Media crew, I was able to film a pitch segment for the Outside magazine adventure grant that features on fisheries from Canada to Mexico – I’m vey excited about the project whether the grant happens or not.

Since my typical m.o. when in Yellowstone is to avoid crowds, I have not seen Old Faithful erupt very often, and was excited to catch it this go-round and still be able to avoid the early-season crowds. It helps to be a local and know where to go – side roads are our friend!

Elk and bison were causing their usual traffic jams. No, I don’t care if it’s your first time seeing a bison. Stopping in the middle of the road is not a sound judgement call.

DFC-26-May-LBMDFC-26-May-OFThere were a distinct lack of bison calves to be seen in the Park, but we ran across a group of five just outside of West Yellowstone. Bouncy, cheery little guys – they were eager to play and to explore, and eventually the group headed off in the direction of Hebgen Lake.

Then, back to the Missouri to film another short video, the first in a series entitled “What’s In Your Bag?” featuring a look into pro photographer’s bags. I’m very excited about the series – always interested to see what gear other pros carry. Especially the non-camera gear.

Back to the shop, shuttling rigs, selling flies and helping folks figure out where to float. Spring is in full swing here on the ‘Mo, as evidenced by the fleet of boats we saw yesterday.

The daily schedule has turned into something like this: up at 0530, work on the computer (it’s photojournalist grant and contest season, which translates into even more pitching and writing), head into the shop from 1100h – 2100h, come back to Cascade, shower out, try to remember to eat something, work for a bit and crash.

Rinse and repeat.
