An Evening Out 

by Jess McGlothlin on May 9, 2013

in Dispatches from Craig



After a day of running errands in town and catching up (or rather, attempting to…) on office work, I needed to get outside in the sun.  We’re having a week of temperatures in the 70s, and despite a damnably stubborn cold that won’t go away, I decided it was just too nice not to be outside.

FGP-9M-5So last night, I loaded up the camera and fishing gear and set off to explore Sheep Creek Road, a good, old-fashioned, dirt and washboard, ranch country, by-God Montana road not too far from my little hut.  Sheep Creek runs across wide-open ranch lands before bumping up between the Missouri River and neighboring hillsides.

I fished for a bit, enjoying the waning light and minimal winds of a spring evening, but then the ever-present itch to get behind the camera won out.  

With good, warm evening light and quiet spaces to photograph, it was the perfect close to a busy day.

