On Having a Legen…Wait for It…dary Day in the Guide Boat

by Mark McGlothlin on March 20, 2013

in Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Guide-DayZipping through the Chi Wulff twitter feed early this morning (She Who Must Be Obeyed was up at 540 this morning getting ready for a drive into Seattle) a link caught my eye from friend of Chi Joe Willauer of Evolution Anglers and The Stonefly Inn in Twin Bridges.

Joe’s post – Tips for being the best ‘dude’ – tied in astoundingly closely with a running conversation I’ve been having with a guide friend here on the coast. Among a pile of other things we’ve talked a couple of times in the past few days about the joys and travails of working as a guide.

I have the highest respect for the vast majority (99% or better) of fly fishing guides working today. Though the best make it look so, the business is far from easy even on the best of days with good great clients.

The list of things that can make a guide’s day hell is impressive: tough conditions, the death triad of uncoachable, marginally skilled clients with high expectations; margin compression driving by rising gas, food and just about everything costs, etc, etc, etc.

I’ve been slowly compiling a list of ‘suggestions’ from guide friends on how clients can have the very best experience on their guided trip – Joe listed five nifty ideas in his post linked above, though he did leave some very important ones out.

Easy ones, like….

Suggestions from your guide aren’t really suggestions; do what he/she says. (Remember, maritime law applies on board his or her boat; your ration of grog could be withheld or worse. And you can be keel-hauled on a drift boat.)

Don’t whine. Just don’t.

Your guide is a vault of local fly fishing knowledge; pick his / her brain about the river. They probably forget more every day about fly fishing their water than you’ll remember in a lifetime. Respect and learn.

Leave your frickin’ phone in the car.

When asked about your skills – underpromise and overdeliver.

Top his / her gas tank off on the way in (this does not replace a cash tip by the way and look for the smile when you offer).

The list could go on and on. We’ll have a post or two (and probably a vid) up on the topic in the next few months.

Your suggestions welcomed below….