“Pulling A Jake”

by Jake McGlothlin on March 19, 2013

in Damn!

You know it’s time to reevaluate your life when you’re friends start using you as an example of what not to do.  In our little circle, to “Pull a Jake” means to choose work over fishing.  (Hat tip to Mark for that little gem.)  It’s kind of like realizing you need to get a haircut and trim the beard when you’re out hiking and your buddy says “hey, that dog looks like Jake”.  (It was a very shaggy dog.  Hat tip to Mark for that one too.)

True, I have been working a lot over the past few weeks, hence the reason I haven’t been posting as much.  Things will slow down in about a week or so and resume a more normal pace.  And, giving my new position I won’t be able to work more than 40 hours, and will have a normal, two day weekend.  That means lots more time on the water…

But still, it’s rather sobering to be used as such an example.  It’s the kind of thing that makes you stop and think about your life, your time, and your priorities.  For example, in my reflection I realized that I have only fished 3 days in 2013.  Three.  Freaking.  Days.  What the f*ck.

Ethan Markie plays a winter trout from the Gallatin.

Ethan Markie plays a winter trout from the Gallatin.

This train of thought brings up the age old argument of how to allocate time between chasing the all mighty dollar and living life.  What matters more?  Where is that precious balance?  Everyone (or most everyone.. I can think of a few exceptions) knows and understands the principle of paying your dues to get where you want to be in life.  But don’t Pull a Jake.  Take the time to do the things you love.  You can find the time if you try.  And believe me, I’m going to try much harder in the future.

Who knows… “Pulling a Jake” might mean something really cool in the future.

I need to redeem myself for that one…

Photo courtesy of Mark Barrie.